Brainwave EEG Complete Analyzer -Meditation- Alpha Beta Theta Power Spectra- Potent Bliss Binaural Beat-includes HRV-Breath Training-The Most Complete Biofeedback Emotional Empowerment Suite Available- Plus Accurate Life Force Measure- by complete (microvolt) field power spectra . Create coherent brainwave Alpha / Beta- with the most accurate powerful binaural beat options- tune with life force measure- to sacred space.
-Measure and teach- the correct bliss/ ecstacy / Flame in the Mind- Brainwave signature
- Measure and compare the worlds most complete Biofeedback Coherence & entrainment to HRV / Breath / Sacral-Cranial: complements Brainwave system INTEGRATEs the Breath/HRV/SacroCranial Harmonics to show Complete Brain-Heart-Breath Entrainment : the worlds most complete empowering Biofeedback System.
- Measure and prove brainwave entrainment to ZERO POINT BLISS - synergetic with Plasma healing- - THE frequency signature for brainwave BLISS - ( physics see- ) The corresponding Binaura beat programmable options: the worlds most potent bliss/ trance still-point trigger- by equation ( ) is a truly breakthru concept in brainwave / meditation feedback empowerment- integrated with broad spectral HRV / Breath / Binaural AND Life Force harmonics analysis!
No other brainwave app features the sophistication of immediate visible right left hemisphere comparison of phase lock and relative amplitude - alpha/beta/theta/delta analysis: Immediate feedback for right/left dominance, right left phase lock, alpha / beta / theta training and more. Plus no other brainwave system makes immediately visible when your brainwaves lock in on the critical golden ratio / conjugate (implosive/ bliss) cascade - vs octave harmonics. These concepts are breakthru empowering discoveries into the very (charge implosive) NATURE of human bliss / peak perception ( Dan Winter- ).
Using the same - ORIGIN OF BIOLOGIC NEGENTROPY frequency equation from Winter ( ) -which generalize to bring ALL wave systems out of chaos- we apply that to brain wave frequency biofeedback rewards. These allow you HEAR when your critical alpha resonance is stable- and learn to generate alpha / beta/ delta cascades- so essential to bliss / trance/ peak perception / peak meditation. ALSO you can optionally measure the famous (Tibetan) GAMMA hi frequency brainwaves.
Then sync brainwaves - to multiple HRV /Heart / Pulse /Breath sensors ( chest strap or finger clip)- to allow complete brain to BREATH / HRV / coherence training. This broad spectral synchrony FULL BODY COHERENCE TRAINING - is unprecedented! ( also in synchrony with HRV apps suite ).
Includes the worlds most powerful BINAURAL BEAT programmable audio trigger frequencies: Accurate by equation to pure bliss / trance / negentropy - precisely tuned to the same successful plasma rejuvenation physics ( Winter and Harris)- see . Also with Sacral Cranial expertise from lead programmer Patrick Botte integrates precise beat note frequency options for MAYER WAVE/ HRV LF - .1hz coherence/ breath training - AND multiple options for scientific triggering of the chakras by trigger frequencies.
AND - a complete system for analyzing and tuning LIFE FORCE IN SPACE: Accurate microvolt power spectra of space / rooms/ trees/ pyramids / even plants etc- up to 120 hz- enabling us to TUNE in Schumann harmonics by measurement- AND to tune out electrosmog (life 50/60 hz ). This level of detailed harmonic analysis - is also unprecedented in the literature ( starting with concepts introduced as well by Korotkov with HRV). Much more on LIFE FORCE analysis - including biologic architecture measurement / prediction of growth triggering by capacitance- all at ( see LIFE FORCE options).